Dear Member

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Union Hotel,

271 Pacific Highway North Sydney

6.30pm Wednesday 14th November 2018


The North Shore Australian Football Club will hold its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 14th November 2018.  Annual reports will be distributed at the meeting.

The agenda for the meeting is set out in the Notice below.

I strongly encourage all members to attend the AGM.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me on 0417 290 219

Yours sincerely

 Liz Fitzgerald

Vice President



North SHORE Australian Football Club (ABN 89 731 890 780)
Take notice that the Annual General Meeting of North Shore Australian Football Club will be held

at:        6.30pm

on:       Wednesday 14th  November 2018

at:        The Union Hotel, 271 Pacific Highway, North Sydney

Ordinary Business

  1. Minutes of last Annual General Meeting

To confirm the minutes of the last AGM as a true record of that meeting.

  1. Financial Statements

To receive the Statement of Financial Performance, Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Cashflows of the Club and consolidated accounts of the Club for the last financial year.

  1. President’s Report

To receive the President’s Report on the activities of the club since the last annual general meeting.

  1. Nominations for Life Membership

To receive nominations for life membership of the North Shore Football Club.

  1. Election of Office Bearers

To receive nominations for office bearers of the North Shore Football Club.

By order of the Committee



A member who is entitled to attend and vote is not entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of them.